Top tips on how to change your career at 50

When embarking on a career change over the age of fifty, it is important to consider at least some of the following factors.

  • Skills and interests: Assess your skills, experience, and interests and determine how they align with the new career you are considering
  • Job market demand: Research the job market demand for the new career you are interested in, and determine if it is a growing field with job opportunities.
  • Salary and benefits: Consider your current financial situation and compare the potential salary and benefits of the new career to your current one.
  • Learning curve: Assess the amount of time and effort required to gain the necessary skills and experience for the new career, and determine if you are willing and able to make the necessary commitment.
  • Age discrimination: Be aware of age discrimination and research the company culture and policies before applying for a job.
  • Networking: Utilize your current network and build any new connections in the industry to help you make a smooth transition to any potential employer. LinkedIn is vital for this.

Take stock of your current skills and how they can help you with a career change

Do your present abilities correspond to the occupation you want to pursue? Even if there is not a direct correlation, there should be skills and experience that will relate to the new undertaking.

For instance, if your current role entails supervising a small office, then you must have some management know-how and be comfortable with the most common workplace software such as MS Word, and Excel, or creating slideshows and training materials.

Have you registered for an online course or a career boot camp? Talk about that, regardless of whether you found it challenging. Being aware of your strengths and deficiencies is not something to shy away from; rather, it can be your go-to reply when asked about something you’re not great at or a perceived shortcoming.

How to answer the, “What are you not good at or describe a challenge you had to overcome.”

…I recently signed up for an online career bootcamp. The course was focused on teaching me how to make a resume, write a cover letter, hone my interview skills, understand what employers are looking for, and practice job search strategies.

At times, the bootcamp was difficult to keep up with. Nevertheless, I learned a lot and saw how I can increase my chances of landing a job in today’s competitive market. Completing the bootcamp has given me a greater appreciation of what employers look for when evaluating potential hires and I can use this knowledge to make myself shine among other applicants…

Answers like these, show that you identified something you need to improve (don’t say weakness), you’ve addressed it, and taken steps to overcome and add it to your skill set.

Have confidence in your abilities and experience

Interviews and CVs need to project confidence in your ability to transfer your skills (whatever they may be) to the role you are looking for. Don’t shy away from gaps in jobs, create a positive around what that break meant for you, and what you did.

Since COVID, gaps in CVs don’t ring the same alarm bells that they once did. We all had different experiences, hence why so many older job seekers are looking to change careers. Be prepared to explain your rationale for changing roles or careers and be positive!

Some example reasons for looking to change career

Changing careers may be a good opportunity to explore jobs that allow you to have more free time or higher pay. If you’re looking to improve the balance between your professional and private life, then making a career change might be something worth exploring. Here are some reasons to change careers:

  • You want to earn more money. Wanting to earn more money is not a taboo, rather it shows that you (still) have ambition. Many lucrative positions don’t require extensive experience or work history but pay well for those who work hard.
  • You want more free time. There are a variety of jobs that offer flexible salaries and the ability to work from home. This reason won’t wash well if looking to transition into an office role.
  • You are feeling burned out. Also a less taboo subject than it was pre-COVID. Making a career change can be a nice way to feel refreshed and re-energized about work.
  • You want to go back to school If you wish to return to school to continue your education, then making a career change that allows you to work and study at the same time can be helpful.

Crafting a CV that can help you into a new career

When preparing for an interview or creating a CV, it’s important to focus on the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the role you’re applying for, even if they’re not directly related to the new field.

Be confident in your ability to transfer your skills, and don’t shy away from gaps in your employment history. Instead, use these opportunities to showcase your personal growth, adaptability, and willingness to take on new challenges.

It’s also important to be positive and proactive when discussing your reasons for changing careers. Emphasize the motivations and opportunities that led you to explore a new field, and how you see your skills and experiences as valuable assets to your new career. This can help to build a positive and enthusiastic image of you as a candidate, and show your potential employer that you’re passionate and excited about the new opportunity.

Be sure to do your research and understand the industry and role you’re applying for before any career switch. Show that you’ve taken the time to understand the company and the job requirements, and how your skills and experiences make you a good fit for the role. Also, be open and flexible to learning new skills and adapting to new work environments.

Finally, don’t be afraid to network and reach out to others in your desired field for advice and guidance. This can help you get a better understanding of the industry, and may even lead to potential job opportunities.

Overall, the key is to approach your career change with a positive and proactive attitude and to focus on the skills and experiences that make you a valuable asset to your potential new employer

  • Be concise: Keep your CV concise and to the point, highlighting your most relevant experiences and achievements and any transferable skills.
  • Focus on achievements: Instead of just listing job responsibilities, focus on accomplishments and the results you achieved in your previous roles.
  • Keep it updated: Regularly update your CV to reflect your latest skills and experiences..
  • Consider a skills-based CV: A skills-based CV focuses on your skills and accomplishments, rather than your work history, making it a good option for individuals who are changing careers.
  • Emphasize your willingness to learn: Demonstrate your eagerness to learn new skills and take on new challenges in your new career.
  • Tailor your CV to each job: Customize your CV to each job you apply for, highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role.
  • Keep it professional: Make sure your CV is professional and free of errors, and consider having someone else review it for you

Here are some examples of jobs that suit a midlife career change

Here are some examples of jobs that are well-suited for midlife career changes. This list is not extensive but shows some possible career switch possibilities for older workers.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare careers, such as medical and health services manager, registered nurse, or medical and health services manager, are in high demand.
  • Technology: Jobs in technology, such as data analyst, web developer, or software engineer, offer a wealth of opportunities for individuals with strong technical skills.
  • Education: Education careers, such as teacher, administrator, or instructional designer, offer opportunities to make a positive impact and use your skills to help others.
  • Consulting: Consulting careers, such as management consultant or business analyst, offer the opportunity to use your expertise and experience to help companies solve complex problems.
  • Finance: Finance careers, such as a financial advisor or financial analyst, offer opportunities to use your knowledge of financial markets and strategies to help individuals and companies reach their financial goals.
  • Marketing: Marketing careers, such as marketing manager or digital marketer, offer opportunities to use your creativity and skills to help companies reach new audiences and promote their products and services.
  • Human Resources: Human resources careers, such as HR manager or recruiter, is another career option that offers opportunities to use your interpersonal skills and knowledge of employment law to support organizations and their employees.
  • Non-profit: Non-profit careers, such as development director or community organizer, offer opportunities to make a positive impact and use your skills to support important causes.
  • Environmental Science: Environmental science careers, such as an environmental scientist or sustainability manager, offer opportunities to use your skills and knowledge to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices.
  • Freelance: Freelance careers, such as freelance writer, designer, or consultant, offer the flexibility to work on your terms and pursue projects that align with your interests and skills.
  • Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship offers the opportunity to start your own business and use your skills and experience to create a new venture.
  • Real Estate: Real estate careers, such as real estate agent or property manager, offer opportunities to use your knowledge of local markets and expertise in property management to help individuals and companies make informed real estate decisions.
  • Creative Fields: Careers in creative fields, such as graphic designer, photographer, or artist, offer opportunities to use your creativity and skills to pursue your passions.
  • Public Service: Public service careers, such as government administrator or public policy analyst, offer opportunities to use your skills and knowledge to support important initiatives and make a positive impact in your community.

The changing job market

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly accelerated changes in the way we work and has created a more flexible and adaptable approach to work and career development. The traditional idea of a lifetime career path has given way to a more fluid and dynamic understanding of work, where individuals are more likely to change careers and explore new opportunities throughout their lives.

This shift has also been driven by changes in technology, globalization, and the economy, which have created new industries, job opportunities, and skills requirements. As a result, it’s becoming more common for individuals to seek new career paths and to retrain and re-skill to stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing job market.

Overall, the trend towards more frequent career changes and a more flexible approach to work has created new opportunities for individuals to explore their passions and find fulfilling work throughout their lives.


Additionally, the changing job market has also created a demand for career development and re-skilling programs, as individuals look for ways to acquire new skills and transition into new industries. Work-life balance is also now more important than ever as more people in the job market are looking for that balance in their dream job. This has also led to the growth of online learning and other flexible education options, which make it easier for individuals to learn and grow throughout their careers.

For older workers looking to make a career change, this new dynamic job market presents a unique opportunity to explore new career paths, leverage their existing skills and experience, and continue to grow and develop throughout their working lives.

However, making a career change can also be a challenging and intimidating experience, especially for older workers who may feel like they have more to lose. But with the right support, resources, and mindset, anyone can successfully navigate a mid-life career change and find fulfilment and success in a new role.

It’s important to remember that making a career change can be a process and to approach it with patience, persistence, and a positive attitude. With the right support and resources, a mid-life career change can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience and can lead to new opportunities and growth throughout your working life.

Helpful resources

There are many resources available to us and a great wealth of advice on this subject. Consider visiting one or all of these:

AARP is a non-profit organization that offers information, resources, and advocacy for individuals over 50. They offer career resources such as job search tools and career development workshops.

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
This program, administered by the Department of Labor, provides part-time training opportunities for low-income seniors to help them transition into unsubsidized employment.

Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

The Department of Labor offers job training and employment services through the One-Stop Career Center system.

Senior Corps
This program, administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, provides opportunities for seniors to give back to their communities through service projects and volunteer work.

Job Training Programs
Many community colleges and adult education centers offer job training programs and certifications in a variety of industries. Search your local area or state.

Retirement Job Fairs
Some organizations and universities host job fairs specifically for individuals who are retired or near retirement age. Search your local area or state.

Paul Windust

Passionate about how we deal with getting older and maintaining both our physical and mental wellbeing. I’m keen to take life head on and explore the challenges and possibilities we face as we age in a positive and honest way.

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